
United States of America
4 Weeks

Design, Development, Automation

Nimblesoft was hired to build a highly converting funnel. Besides creating the funnel, we took charge of creating the digital marketing, automating the systems, and setup email campaigns to ensure that there are no gaps in the workflow and that customers are presented with offers on every step of their journey through the funnel.

What they do:

Hairen is a USA based, small, one product based business. While focused only on one product, they made sure it's absolutely brilliant and cutting edge, this combined with our services achieved stunning results.

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Smart, intuitive & convenient design.

We will create your website in such a way that it feels intuitive. After the first couple of clicks, the website will already feel familiar to the customer and they will be able to easily navigate through the menus to reach their goal without getting frustrated and leaving.

Easy to Use
Fast & Secure

Тechnologies used:

Facebook Ads
With proper targeting, extensive A/B testing and killer media, our team was able to create the perfect mix to deliver high-performing ads with super profitable return rates.
Our aim was to create a highly converting funnel with the single purpose of selling. We a combination of downsell & upsell offers we were able to achieve super high conversion rates.
Using a catchy email campaign to make sure we get the few people we have missed through the funnel steps and make sure they come back, but don't leave with empty hands.